Change is good, sometimes. For the 11 years that we have owned our French home, traveled here for vacations and now living here full time, we have treated ourselves to the "apple slippers or turnovers" from the boulangerie next to the cafe. They were not always available as only 3 or 4 were made on any one day. Last Saturday, the Brit who scooted into the bakery just ahead of us took the last 2. Then Thursday we went up to town early so we could get one. But no, none baked that day. It was then we were told that the bakery was changing owners. Monsieur who had been making our favorite breakfast treat for all these years was retiring.
I asked if he would make a last chausson aux pommes for us for Saturday, his last day. Bien sur! So Saturday morning we went to the market on a really foul day of wind and rain knowing we would have one last treat. But among the chaos of the last day, packing, and a mind already brimming with thoughts of retirment, Monsieur forgot to put our apple turnovers in the oven. Totally embarassed, he made us a gift of the prepared pastry and instructions on how to cook them at home.
This morning I took them out of the fridge, brushed the tops with an egg yolk and a bit of water, preheated the oven to 200C and when ready popped them in the toaster oven. After 25 minutes they were perfect. I hope Monsieur enjoys his retirement. I will miss the nice ladies who worked behind the counter who never failed to glance into the display case to see if there was a chausson aux pommes for les Americians when we opened the door to the shop.