
We are a retired American couple living in France, enjoying the good life with our cats. Our house is in a small hamlet among the Ste. Foy vines. We also have a sailboat that the male half of the spousal unit sailed across the Atlantic in the summer of 08. When the weather warms we will start to visit the sailing ports of Europe. Our stories chronicle our life in France: the good life, the hard life, and the sailing life.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Boat, Food, Cats

Sailing vacations are largely centered around the boat, food, and cats. Our May-June trip to Spain was no exception. The northern coast of Spain was very scenic and completely empty of boats. We poked our way along visiting small towns and a couple of large cities such as Bilboa and Gijon. We set the anchor, took moorings, tied up against walls, and enjoyed a couple of marinas. Learing to cope with 12 foot tides was both stressful but once conquered an accomplishment and good training for 30 foot tides next year in the UK.

The food and wine in Spain was lucious. We enjoyed tapas most days and made it a point to order local wines. Fish was incredibly fresh. Prices were cheap.

The cats who thought the boat was a nightmare from their past took no time at all to get used to and hate their life on board. Calypso drooled for 6 weeks and Dante ranged from bored at anchor to trying to go ashore and leave the sailing life behind. Yes, there was one day when we could not find him on board and had to sail back to port only to find him hidden in the "Old Lady" spot, the hidy-hole Zabelle found and never left while we were on our trip to the Bahamas.
We would love to go back to Spain, a three star trip!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

That Time Again

As I return to posting after a VERY busy summer I look out the living room and see the deep purple grapes which will hang on the vines for another week or so. But I also hear pickers in the distance harvesting green grapes already. There is a fall feel in the air and after months of no rain there is at least a tiny bit of moisture from time to time.
Our summer covered a sailing trip to Spain, reconstruction of one wall and a partial renovation of our barn, a well attended 4th of July American/Anglo/French picnic, a visit to Pittsburgh, whitewater rafting in Oregon, canal barging in Scotland and whisky tasting afterwards, visits from friends and family, Calypso fracturing her sternum, and an upcoming trip to Italy. I will try to post some highlights of these events over the next few weeks. Stay tuned!