
We are a retired American couple living in France, enjoying the good life with our cats. Our house is in a small hamlet among the Ste. Foy vines. We also have a sailboat that the male half of the spousal unit sailed across the Atlantic in the summer of 08. When the weather warms we will start to visit the sailing ports of Europe. Our stories chronicle our life in France: the good life, the hard life, and the sailing life.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

He is So Bad

The new skylight window installed in the roof is at least 7 feet up. I opened it today as we were moving things into the loft and it was getting warm up there. While eating lunch, I noticed I had not seen Dante in awhile. Two hours later I still had not seen Dante. I knew he was in the house and all of the windows were closed, so while suspicious I though he may have found a new hideyhole. Well Mr. Dante managed to jump up and out the skylight and got himself on to the roof. He must have been there for several hours. When RXC went to the barn he heard a piteous cry, but where was it coming from? Looking up, he saw Dante usually full of himself, quite cowed by his current circumstances sitting on the lower roof to the porch. Isabelle was the first to give him comfort when he got down.

1 comment:

taelcat said...

He is baaaaaaaaad!!!! I wonder if he'll try that trick again?